
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Standing Leg Raises

This dynamic pose is the first time that you will be standing in wholly on one limb. The bandhas are necessary to keep the pose centralized.
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Arda Badha Padmottanhasana

Half Lotus Bound

This is the first of the standing bound asanas. This insignificant as the internal cleansing process occurring in the standing asanas is intensified with the binding of the lotus as demonstrated in this pose. The next step is bending forward reaching around the back catching hold of the right foot with the right hand.
Benefit: Improves overall circulation
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Seated Back Arch

This intense front body stretch is the necesary and direct counterpose to the previous intense first seated forward bend Paschimattanasana. Here Purvattanasana established the exact method of pose and contrapose showing the importance of practicing the asanas correctly and to link them together in a balanced and precise order.
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Marichyasana A

Marichiasana A is the first of the four variations of this pose -A,B,C, and D. All of them are beneficial to the digestive system, clearing flatulence, indigestion, and constipation and improving digestive power generally. For woman, these asanas are additionally beneficial for the reproductive system.



The Boat Pose

Navasana can be deceptively difficult to perform correctly if your inner body is not strong and you have not developed the cultivation of the bandhas by this stage of the practice. Strong bandha control is necesary to maintain a straight spine and legs.
Benefits: Strengthens the spinal region


Baddha Konasana

Boun Angle

Yoga texts consider this posture as the greatest of the asanas. This posture it needs to be practiced with sensitivity and understanding as many people may experience some difficulty and perhaps discomfort or even pain while learning it.
Benfits: It opens the hips
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Urdhva Dhanurasana

Back Bending

The enphasis here is on stretching and lengthening the quadriceps, opening the groin, abdomen and chest, hence, stretching the front, rather than the back, of the body. Strenght in arms and legs is needed here, both fundations will be working in an entirely new way. This pose requires a flexible spine as well as internal bandha control.
Benefits: Stretching the whole front of the body



Lotus flower

Padmasana is the classic yoga position for meditation, and apart for their individual benefits, all the other yoga poses are designed to prepare your body to be confortable in just this one. The lotus flower symbolizes a sense of calm reflection and inner tranquillity.
Benefits: It regulates the breath and stills the main